Philippians 1:1
...To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi, with the overseers and deacons...
In the New Testament churches are led by a team of elders, also know as shepherds / pastors or overseers – terms used interchangeably to describe the same person (1 Pet 5:1-2; Acts 20:17, 28) – and are qualified men according to 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-10. At City Gates Church we use both the terms elder and pastor.
Although elders are the highest human authority in the local church, they are ultimately following Jesus, the chief-shepherd and Head of the church universal, and they will give an account to Him for their stewardship.
Mike Holmes
Mike serves as the lead elder of City Gates Church. He is married to Edwina, and they have 4 boys (now men).
Cory Adrian
Cory serves as an elder in a marketplace capacity. He is married to Vera, and they have 2 children.
Mike Holmes
Lead Pastor
Jen MacBurnie
Dropzone Director (part-time)
Tom + Tina Dunleavey
Tom & Tina lead a community group, and are involved in our Sunday liturgy.
Jill McKinney
Jill leads a community group, and is also involved in our woman’s ministry initiatives.
Mike + Nadine Ocreto
Mike & Nadine assist in leading a community group, Mike helps with facilitating our Advance Theology Course, Nadine is involved with young mothers, and they both help with some of our community engagement projects.
Erin Hart
Erin heads up our after-service beverage (and sometimes treats) team.
We also have a groups of amazing men & woman (many of the above) who help lead and love our people as they gather in smaller groups during the week. For an idea of who they are and where they meet, follow the link below:
Lawrence & Liz Keen
Lawrence served on the City Gates eldership team for a decade before he and his wife, Elizabeth, relocated to Quesnel (BC) in September 2020 in order to plant Two Rivers Church.
For more about their journey, visit https://citygates.ca/keens
Toby & Loretta Mak
Toby is married to Loretta, and they have 4 children. The Mak family joined Lawrence & Liz keen to support their church plant in Quesnel, BC at the end of 2022.