Food, Fuel, and How to Have Your Fill

Food, Fuel, and How to Have Your Fill

Passage: Mark 6:30-56
Service Type:

Bible Text: Mark 6:30-56 | Preacher: Vic Stander | Series: The Gospel of Mark | What are your resolutions for 2019? What are the habits, practices and choices you want to integrate, not just for this year, but for a lifetime and beyond?

We find Jesus and his disciples in Mark 6 absolutely exhausted and gutted. (Maybe that’s how you ended 2018!) The disciples are keen to send the crowds away but Jesus, who may still have been mourning the loss of his friend and forerunner John the Baptist, sees the crowds and has compassion.

What follows is these verses is nothing short of miraculous: feeding thousands from a boys lunch, followed by Jesus walking on water. How did Jesus do this and what habit and practice can we learn from him as we start a new year?

***Spoiler Alert***

The answer is prayer and communion with the Father. After the message, we spent time praying and hearing from one another, which is included at the end of the recording.

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