[iframe src="https://anchor.fm/citygatesca/embed/episodes/Endurance--Expectations--The-J-Curve-1-Pet-222-25-e13833q" height="102px" width="1000px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe]This week Ryan Legg looks at 1 Pet 2:22-25, helping us learn from Jesus when we find ourselves reviled as a result of following Him.https://youtu.be/Dmq9A_mI4r0?t=1499
[iframe src="https://anchor.fm/citygatesca/embed/episodes/The-Upside-is-Down-1Peter-218-20-e12ojar" height="102px" width="1000px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe]What can we possibly learn from Peter's address to first-century slaves? How can we trust the Bible since it doesn't seem to abolish it at…
[iframe src="https://anchor.fm/citygatesca/embed/episodes/Jesus-Prays-For-Our-Unity-John-17-e12b1mt" height="102px" width="1000px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe]This week we have a special guest: Alan Frow, from Southlands Church in Orange County, California. During our confession moment, Toby & Loretta Mak also…
[iframe src="https://anchor.fm/citygatesca/embed/episodes/Submission--Suffering-1-Pet--213-21-e11ugru" height="102px" width="1000px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe]Peter touches on the issue of civil obedience. How are we as Christians to submit to both earthly institutions as well as to God's rule…
[iframe src="https://anchor.fm/citygatesca/embed/episodes/Seeing-The-Believing-1-Pet-29-12-e11ihni" height="102px" width="1000px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe]We are no longer "of this world" now that we've been transferred into God's kingdom. But we are certainly still "in the world" as exiles…
[iframe src="https://anchor.fm/citygatesca/embed/episodes/Stand-Or-Stumble--1-Peter-24-10-e1129gi" height="102px" width="1000px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe]This week's sermon is definitely another "come to Jesus" one (as most of them are). But Jesus and the gospel can either be stumbled over…
[iframe src="https://anchor.fm/citygatesca/embed/episodes/Filled-Up--Built-Up-1-Peter-21-10-e10k5pl" height="102px" width="1000px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe]Happy Mother's Day to our citygater moms, and their mommy friends! Thank you for joining us if that is you :) This week, Toby tackles…
[iframe src="https://anchor.fm/citygatesca/embed/episodes/Roll-Up-Your-Sleeves-1-Peter-113-25-e105rkv" height="102px" width="1000px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe]This week Vic takes us to the end of chapter 1 out of Peter's first letter. Peter gets practical, encouraging his readers to roll up…
[iframe src="https://anchor.fm/citygatesca/embed/episodes/Wotalotigot-1-Peter-13-12-evnb08" height="102px" width="1000px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe]Or rather "What a lot I got" (listen to the sermon for an explanation). Week 3 of our new series from the letters that the…
[iframe src="https://anchor.fm/citygatesca/embed/episodes/12-Peter-Anchored-In-The-Resurrection-ev796t" height="102px" width="1000px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe]Mike shared this week about how the Resurrection separates Christianity from every other faith stream. When our faith is anchored in the FACT of the…