This week we continue on the topic of personal evangelism. Mike shares "the 3 D's of outreach" with us.
Vic continues in our Sharing Your Faith series. He talks about some very helpful and practical ways to share all that Jesus has done for us in our everyday lives…
This week Vic talks about us sharing our faith and making the good news great again.
Where we live, work or play is no accident. We leverage these as unique opportunities to show and share Jesus in contexts that others may not have access to. As…
With the launch of Alpha in just a few weeks, we're having a closer look at part of Jesus' very own strategy for his mission – meals! It may be…
What if I told you on Dec. 23rd, 2018, our Sunday gathering right before Christmas – typically full of visitors and non-believers – it was your turn to preach? Nervous?…
"Helping people find and follow Jesus" is the manifesto of City Gates. It's at the core of who are and what we do. And it's time to be reminded what…
Mike shares about the power of the message of the Gospel of Jesus to open spiritual eyes and the role that each Christ follower has share this message. Come away…
***Our apologies, the sermon was cut short due to a technical failure.*** It would be easy to assume that Paul the Apostle, with superhero-like strength and speed, planted churches across…
How was your week? Busy, right? We explore Acts 16 and a week in the life of Paul and his companions in the city of Philippi.